Weasel stayed with WHFS through the Einstein Days, the Duchossis Days, and into the new Millennium. On January 1, 2000, as he signed off of his part in the Top 99.1 of 1999, he noted that he had now worked with WHFS in four decades: the 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, and 2000s. By then the station was in decline, as its present owners tried to monetize it, gradually discarding the things that made WHFS the radio treasure it once had been. In 2003, feeling that the fun was gone, Weasel left WHFS for good. In 2005, 99.1 stopped being WHFS. After a few format changes, 99.1 has emerged as an all-news station, WNEW -- itself a recycling of another famous call sign that had once been synonymous with progressive music in New York City.

For three hours every Friday night, Jonathan Gilbert hosts Weasel's Wild Weekend, a variety show with a weekly theme, everything from songs about smiles to commemorations of important days such as the Day the Music Died, when we lost Buddy Holly, Richie Valens, and the Big Bopper on February 3, 1959. And on the Friday before New Year's Day he does his Party Music program. As I listened to it, I realized that I had the answer to the question I posed on the Top 99 Party Songs of the Millennium post: What would that program sound like fifteen years on? It would be none other than Weasel's Wildest Weekend of them All: the New Year's Eve Party Program!
Weasel's Wild Weekend Party Set 2014 -- 1.mp3
Weasel's Wild Weekend Party Set 2014 -- 2.mp3
Weasel's Wild Weekend Party Set 2014 -- 3.mp3
Update ... Well I'll be damned ... someone actually likes this Weasel's Wild Weekend thing. I got a request for the Baseball's Opening Day program from April 10, 2015, which I actually did manage to catch on my digital recorder. Here it is ... but you gotta promise ... if you download these recordings and enjoy our Weasel, Pledge WTMD. Become an encore club member. Radio stations don't last forever, and your pledge can help to keep Weasel on the air at WTMD ... not a promo roll ... just saying.
Weasel's Wild Weekend Baseball's Opening Day -- 1.mp3
Weasel's Wild Weekend Baseball's Opening Day -- 2.mp3
Weasel's Wild Weekend Baseball's Opening Day -- 3.mp3
Halloween Update: It seems that All Hallows Eve is one of Weasel's most auspicious days. To this day he devoted two whole episodes in 2014. The only other event that received such lavish treatment was Christmas. The Halloween program is divided into the Treats episode and the Tricks Episode. Each is presented in three segments of about an hour each. Here they are.
Weasel's Wild Weekend Halloween Treats 1.mp3
Weasel's Wild Weekend Halloween Treats 2.mp3
Weasel's Wild Weekend Halloween Treats 3.mp3
Weasel's Wild Weekend Halloween Tricks 1.mp3
Weasel's Wild Weekend Halloween Tricks 2.mp3
Weasel's Wild Weekend Halloween Tricks 3.mp3
Feast Your Ears ... --jkw